How to buy fake Brussels business institute diploma?

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BBI Brussels Business Institute
BBI offers 3-year Bachelor and 2-year Master programmes, in a truly international framework, will ensure those creative individuals, with passion and who share common values are ready to face the challenges in the hospitality and tourism industry management. We provide first-class education for a career in the Hospitality and Tourism sector – the fastest growing industry in the world.

BBI prepares students to join the world of international business. Since English is indisputably the “Lingua Franca” of the world, all our courses are delivered in English. For this reason, our students must have strong working knowledge of its written and spoken forms.

Services for our students
Our team propose practical and professional advice and guidance to support you before, during and after your studies at BBI Institute. Our services complement the academic support available within the faculty.

An institution in which the programmes would be taught entirely in English, and structured to enable students to pursue a career in the major international hotel groups.

The “Brussels Business Institute for Higher Education” was established as a non-profit association and in its early days delivered the accredited programmes of the AH&LA Institute in the United States. In 2006, by Royal Decree, the Institute was recognised as a “Foundation” with a public mission in higher education, in accordance with Article 24 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Belgium. The United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) TEDQUAL certified BBI in 2008.

In 2011, due to the success of its programmes, BBI was approached to open a campus in Luxembourg. Sponsored by the City of Wiltz, the founders decided to create “BBI-Luxembourg” in accordance with the laws of the country as a non-profit institution of higher learning. The City of Wiltz offering full lodging facilities for international students.

In 2012 and 2015, the Bachelor and Master programmes were respectively accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research. Thus, since its creation, the Luxembourg Institute has delivered the BBI Brussels programmes in keeping with the traditions of quality, rigour and excellence.

In order to regroup all students in the most important campus, namely the one in Wiltz, the teaching activity in Brussels was discontinued in 2018 by decision of the Board of Directors. However, the Belgian Foundation is still active with a new specific mission to focus its activities in the field of practical research and consulting for the service industries.