where to buy London Guildhall University diploma certificate?

where to buy London Guildhall University diploma certificate?
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London Guildhall University was a university in the United Kingdom from 1992 to 2002, established when the City of London Polytechnic was awarded university status. On 1 August 2002, it merged with the University of North London to form London Metropolitan University. The former London Guildhall University premises now form the new university’s City campus, situated on various sites in the City of London.
In 1848 Charles Blomfield, Bishop of London, called upon the clergy to establish evening classes to improve the moral, intellectual and spiritual condition of young men in London. In response, the Reverend Charles Mackenzie, who instituted the Metropolitan Evening Classes for Young Men in Crosby Hall, Bishopsgate, London, with student fees at one shilling per session. Subjects on the original curriculum included Greek, Latin, Hebrew, English, History, Mathematics, Drawing and Natural Philosophy. This fledgling college came under royal patronage following the visit of Prince Albert to the classes in 1851. In 1860 the classes moved to Sussex Hall, the former Livery Hall of the Bricklayers’ Company, in Leadenhall Street. By this time, some 800 students were enrolled annually.
Under the Further and Higher Education Act 1992 the polytechnic was awarded university status, previously having awarded the degrees of the former Council for National Academic Awards. London Guildhall University was named to show its links with the City of London and the City’s many guilds/livery companies. It was unassociated with the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, based at the Barbican Centre. LGU was ranked 30th out of the UK’s 43 new universities in the 2001 Research Assessment Exercise. In August 2004, in the midst of a contract dispute with former LGU staff following the merger with the University of North London, it was reported that the management of the merged institution had ordered the destruction of the entire print run of a history of the university – London Guildhall University: From Polytechnic to University – authored by Sean Glynn, formerly a senior research fellow in the department of Politics and Modern History; the work had been commissioned by Sir Roderick Floud, the President of London Metropolitan University, when Provost of LGU.

Following the merger with North London, London Metropolitan became the largest unitary university in London. It includes the Sir John Cass School of Art, Architecture and Design and Sir John Cass Hall of Residence, so named because of the continued support of Sir John Cass’s Foundation. In 2002, the unconnected City University Business School became the Sir John Cass Business School for similar reasons.